I’m quite proud of this one! In this blog I have revisited BitNCrypt, it is a custom made algorithm that generates password and it works like a hash function. I developed this project for my university subject Information Security and it was guided by Dr. Hargeet Kaur Madam. Now, if you know what are the hash function’s properties, you already know what this project is. A simple yet surprisingly efficient solution to manage passwords. The primary questions that I will be answering in this blog are:
Usually the problems with attack prone passwords are:
Some of the existing solutions are:
An example of a password generated by BitNCrypt:
The smart way, that is recommended and is very effective, is to remember a keyword and have a simple method (that you can do in your head) that uses that keyword and the result is your password. But very few people uses this approach (not even me).
BitNCrypt is just that! But since we’re using computers, the algorithm is not simple and something you can do in your head.
This project was initially coded in C++ and my main aim was not to have a password manager. My goal behind this was to learn multi threading, hence I forced multithreading into this project even though it is not necessary. The web tool of this project is coded using python and it is a much more simpler version of the overcomplicated C++ project. In this blog I have taken code snippet from both the projects, whichever was easier to understand.
In the C++ project, user needed to provide a txt file with some text that was jumbled randomly once and used by the system. In the web tool it is simplified to just providing a random string of 4096 characters.
std::thread jumbleFile([&]() {
std::string bytes = "";
for (int c : data)
bytes += c;
if (Math::random(1))
bytes += c - Math::random();
bytes += c + Math::random();
The main algorithm to generate password is divided into 4 sections:
In this step the pin and the keyword are made the same length as of the key and then logical AND operation is performed between all three.
std::thread t_keyword([&]() {
while (keyword.length() < key.length())
keyword += keyword;
std::thread t_pin([&]() {
while (pin.length() < key.length())
pin += pin;
// waiting for both the threads to complete the execution
// perform AND operation
std::string result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < txt.length(); i++)
result += pin[i] & keyword[i] & key[i];
The result of the AND operation is divided into 6 sections and each section is then either right shifted or left shifted depending upon the key.
i = 0
for section in sections:
b_section = section.encode()
if (int(pin[i]) % 2):
result += str(int.from_bytes(b_section, sys.byteorder) << int(pin[i]))
result += str(int.from_bytes(b_section, sys.byteorder) >> int(pin[i]))
i += 1
It is just a simple XOR operation with the key.
result = str(int.from_bytes(b_round2, sys.byteorder) ^ int.from_bytes(b_key, sys.byteorder))
In this step, the result from the XOR is divided into 12 sections, hence the resulting password will be of length 12. And form each section one byte is selected. This selection happens using the pin. For example, if the pin is 940925 then from the 1st section the 9th byte will be selected then from the 2nd section 4th byte will be selected and so on. Each byte is then treated as a character using ascii value and the character is converted into a valid symbol that can be used in a password.
In the C++ version of this section, I was limiting the ascii for a-z characters only and then some special characters and numbers were added later. However, in that version I was appending some numbers from the pin
directly. Due to which the pin could be brute-forced with enough password samples. Now I’ve modified the code to give ascii character for all the printable characters directly i.e. A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and symbols.
sections = _divide_string(round3, 12)
i = 0
for section in sections:
byte_representation = int(section).to_bytes((int(section).bit_length() + 7) // 8)
ascii_codes = [byte for byte in byte_representation]
result += chr(((ascii_codes[int(pin[i]) % len(ascii_codes)]) % 94) + 33)
i += 1
if i >= 6 : i = 0
You can checkout this tool at TwoDollarTools. If you have any suggestions or comments and you like this project or you want to learn more, lets connect on twitter @JayNakum_.